Friday, May 29, 2015

Downtown Mesa Celebrates the Arrival of Valley Metro Light Rail Test Trains!

Welcome Valley Metro Light Rail to Downtown Mesa!

NEDCO joins all of Downtown Mesa in congratulating Valley Metro with the arrival of the very first Light Rail Test Train #101A on Wed May 27, 2015. The exact time and date of the first train's arrival was not known due to the unpredictable nature of the test, but a few lucky people saw the train and quickly the word spread. One of the lucky ones to witness this long-anticipated moment was Mesa's Mayor John Giles who came out to welcome the train around 6PM. 

The trains will continue to be tested along the Central Mesa Light Rail Extension from Sycamore Station, the current terminus to just past Mesa Drive.

The question on everybody's mind right now is WHEN will the train be open for passengers? That question will be revealed at a public celebration of the fifth milestone for the Central Mesa Extension and to welcome the arrival of the Light Rail trains to Downtown Mesa on Wed June 3, 2015 from 9:00-10:00 AM on the steps of the Mesa City Hall Plaza at 20 E Main Street in Downtown Mesa.

Join NEDCO as the Celebration continues!

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